Tea fo Candida

The human body contains myriad diverse cells, each with distinct functions, yet not all of these cells are innocuous.
Among these are microorganisms, such as archaea, bacteria, and minute fungal cells, which, if left untreated, can inflict significant harm upon the organism.

One such microorganism is candida (Candida albicans). Candida dwells within our mucous membranes, notably those lining the intestines. While it remains inconspicuous in healthy individuals, an imbalance can trigger the release of toxins into the bloodstream, leading to infection when the immune system is compromised.

Nonetheless, there exist several medicinal plants that can be brewed into a tea to naturally diminish and combat candida.
Phytotherapy isn’t a panacea, but it does alleviate symptoms and foster organic equilibrium.

Pau D’arco – Derived from the bark of the South American pao d’arco tree (Tabebuia avellanedae), this is arguably the foremost herbal remedy against candida due to its potent antifungal, antibacterial, and analgesic properties.

It’s consumed as an infusion, steeped for approximately 5 minutes, either alone or with licorice, one to three times daily.

Licorice – Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) raises intestinal pH, thereby diminishing bodily acidity, which impedes fungal growth.

The root is employed, either fresh or dried. It can be taken as a tea, up to three cups daily, in powdered form, tincture, or capsules.

Barberry – Barberry species like Berberis vulgaris contain berberine, an alkaloid with antimicrobial properties.

Teas are prepared from the leaves, fruits, and bark of young branches. Infuse and consume (two glasses daily) if diagnosed with candida infection.

Oregano – Oregano infusion boasts antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal attributes that can complement or even supplant medication in treating fungal infections.

This mild tea, noted for its soothing effects on the stomach, can be enjoyed several times daily until the infection recedes.
When feasible, consider oregano oil or extract to expedite candidiasis treatment.


Candida thrives in acidic environments. Therefore, combatting it involves advocating for alkaline foods and curtailing acidifying ones (sugars, processed foods, dairy, whole grains, nuts, red meat, fish, coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol).

However, dietary measures alone aren’t sufficient to maintain bodily alkalinity. Minimizing stress, exposure to chemicals, and negative thoughts, coupled with proper hydration, exercise, outdoor breathing, and seeking moments of tranquility or laughter, all contribute to this goal.

For an exceptional and distinct flavor experience, explore our exquisite assortment of teas at Hummingbird Tearoom. Add any medicinal herb to our organically crafted teas, designed for both enjoyment and well-being.

Remember, regardless of the publication date, the information on this site should never replace direct medical guidance from qualified healthcare professionals.


Hummingbirdtearoom.com cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. The medical/health information is provided for general and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.

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