Organic Green Assam


Add a unique flavor to your life and embrace the power of nature with our Organic Green Assam.

Start your day right with our antioxidant powerhouse.

Embrace the invigorating splash of our organic herbal journey.

What you get:

  • 4 oz of Organic Green Assam tea
  • Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
  • Creamy, grassy, slightly sweet.
  • Multiple brewings
  • Steeping time: 3-4 minutes
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Paint With Teas

Cleanse your body with our antioxidant powerhouse Organic Green Assam.

An awe-inspiring fresh flavor with a pleasant aroma for endless tea-time journeys.

Our premium leaves do not undergo extended oxidation, so they remain green instead of converting into Black Assam.

Dive deep into the millennium-old tea tradition and purify your body&soul.

Indulge your senses with the creamy, grassy, and slightly fruity flavor of our organic, wiry leaves.

Sharpen your focus with the top-notch selection of teas hand-picked in India and delivered to your doorstep.

Make every morning special while sipping our invigorating elixir.

Become the best version of yourself by boosting your immune system with our high-valued organic tea.

Introduce healthy habits into your life and embrace the health benefits of a warm cup of tea.

Keep your family’s well-being at a high level by making our Organic Green Assam part of your everyday life.

Gift Ideas:

Invite your friends over for a tea party weekend and share the beauties of our herbal bliss.

Treat your employees and boost their performative skills with our healthy elixir.

Thank your community leader for the volunteering work they’re doing.

Surprise your college student kids with a home aroma tea.

Share because you care!

Hummingbird Tearoom & Bakery – a Flavorful Splash for Your Senses

Our Products Are:

  • Environmental-friendly
  • Patrons of local farmers and businesses.
  • An organic, natural, and wholesome-driven business.
  • Proud supporters of women in the business world.
  • A business that sources our teas in a fair-trade manner.
  • Proud supporters of Fistula Foundation, For Kid’s Sake, and Soup for Hope.
Weight .113398 kg
Dimensions 22.86 × 17.78 × 2.54 cm


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