Organic Pinhead Gunpowder


Discover the purity of our loose-leaf Organic Pinhead Gunpowder green tea.

Embrace the natural energizing sweetness of the subtle earthy aroma.

Keep your focus sharp and your energy high for memorable afternoons with your loved ones.

What you get:

  • 4 oz of Organic Pinhead Gunpowder tea
  • Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
  • Earthy, veggie, natural sweetness
  • Multiple brewings
  • Steeping time: 2-3 minutes
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Paint With Teas

Our Organic Pinhead Gunpowder green is a tea-drinkers staple green tea.

The tightly rolled leaves release an awe-inspiring fresh aroma as they unfold.

It can be brewed multiple times without losing its flavor.

Our low-medium caffeine green potion is excellent for early birds looking for an extra energy boost.

Naturally boosted with antioxidants, our superb tea provides a refreshing splash and keeps your body free of toxins.

A subtle natural sweetness for invigorating moments and long working hours.

Liberate stress from your life by sharing a cup of comforting herbal bliss with the ones you love.

Sharpen your focus and liberate your senses with the all-time favorite Organic Pinhead Gunpowder green tea.

Gift Ideas:

Surprise your sports team with a soothing elixir after each training.

Energize the days of your elderly parents who have difficulties waking up.

Boost the focus of your teenage kids and teach them the importance of proper tea time.

Indulge your coworkers or employees by gifting them with our brain-power herbal elixir.

Share because you care!

Hummingbird Tearoom & Bakery – a Flavorful Splash for Your Senses

Our Products Are:

  • Environmental-friendly
  • Patrons of local farmers and businesses.
  • An organic, natural, and wholesome-driven business.
  • Proud supporters of women in the business world.
  • A business that sources our teas in a fair-trade manner.
  • Proud supporters of Fistula Foundation, For Kid’s Sake, and Soup for Hope.
Weight .113398 kg
Dimensions 22.86 × 17.78 × 2.54 cm


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