Tea for Pregnancy

Paint With Teas

The topic of consuming herbal teas and regular teas during pregnancy often raises questions among expectant mothers. Finding the right balance is crucial for maternal and fetal well-being. Here, we explore the considerations and recommendations regarding herbal tea intake during pregnancy.

Moderation and Approval: Navigating Herbal Teas for Pregnant Women

In general, everyday herbal teas like chamomile or linden can be enjoyed in moderation, with the approval of a healthcare professional. However, caution is advised with colored teas and specific herbs such as mate due to their high stimulant content, which may not be suitable for pregnancy.

Hydration and Herbal Teas During Pregnancy

Maintaining adequate hydration during pregnancy and breastfeeding is paramount for both maternal and fetal health. While herbal teas might seem like a convenient alternative to water, their properties can have varying effects on individuals, including relaxation, stimulation, and nutrient absorption.

Why Exercise Caution with Herbal Teas During Pregnancy

Typically, the concentration of active compounds in herbal tea infusions is quite low. Any potential side effects are generally observed through continuous and substantial consumption. Given the unique needs of pregnancy, it is advisable to consult healthcare professionals about which herbal teas are safe during pregnancy and which should be avoided or even prohibited due to their potential impact on pregnancy, like teas with abortive properties.

Not All Herbal Teas Are Created Equal for Pregnancy

Certain herbal teas are best avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to their properties that could pose risks to either the mother or the fetus. Here’s a list of herbal teas that pregnant women should steer clear of, along with the potential discomforts or complications they might trigger:

  1. Sage, pennyroyal, boldo, barberry, and rue: These teas could induce uterine contractions.
  2. Licorice: This may contribute to elevated blood pressure.
  3. Ginkgo Biloba: Can impact the fetal heart.
  4. Eucalyptus: Might increase the risk of bleeding during pregnancy.
  5. Pennyroyal and Boldo: Some studies suggest potential fetal toxicity.
  6. Propolis and echinacea: Prudence is advised due to unclear effects on pregnancy.

Herbal Infusions Suitable for Pregnant Women

Navigating the realm of safe and beneficial herbal infusions during pregnancy is essential. Here are some recommendations for pregnant women:

  1. Thyme Infusion: Particularly helpful for relieving nasal congestion, thyme infusion is also rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients.
  2. Mint and Ginger: Mint helps combat nausea in the first trimester, while ginger alleviates stomach discomfort.
  3. Orange Blossom, Passionflower, and Lemon Balm: These infusions offer relaxation benefits, aiding sleep during pregnancy’s challenging phases.
  4. Raspberry Leaves Infusion: Known for toning uterine muscles, this tea is best enjoyed in moderation and avoided after the 38th week.
  5. Chamomile Infusion: Beneficial for managing insomnia, anxiety, nausea, and digestive issues; moderation is key to avoiding potential immune and circulatory issues.
  6. Valerian Infusion: With potential sleep and anxiety benefits, it’s recommended to consume valerian in moderation during pregnancy.
  7. Rooibos Infusion: Rich in antioxidants, rooibos supports immunity and circulation, making it a suitable choice for pregnant women.

General Guidelines for Herbal Tea Consumption During Pregnancy

Here are some general pointers for pregnant women considering herbal tea consumption:

  • Limit intake to a maximum of 2 infusions per day, with some experts suggesting no more than 4-5 infusions weekly.
  • Opt for decaffeinated herbal teas to avoid excessive caffeine intake.
  • Avoid prolonged steeping to prevent bitterness and heightened caffeine content.
  • Diversify herbal tea choices to mitigate potential side effects.
  • Most culinary herbs can be safely consumed as infusions during pregnancy.
  • Avoid teas that stimulate the uterus, such as anise, mistletoe, hibiscus, lemon verbena, licorice root, rosemary, nettle, fennel, or pennyroyal.
  • Choose reputable sources for herbal teas, like Hummingbird Tearoom.
  • Always consult a healthcare professional before trying new herbal combinations, ensuring the safety of both mother and child.


Hummingbirdtearoom.com cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. The medical/health information is provided for general and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.

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